Quantril Militia Raiders
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Hello people. Empty Hello people.

Post by Goetterdaemmerung Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 am

Hi all I'm one of the new guys and I thought I'd introduce myself. Though from looking at another thread it seems i'm one of the only people in the northeast (pa). I have just picked up the game this month, but it is a lot of fun and i'm doing well so I thought to find an American Alliance. So thank you all.

P.S. I have the same username here and on Supremacy.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-05-28

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Hello people. Empty Re: Hello people.

Post by John Galt Sat May 28, 2011 10:38 am


I spend one day a week in Williamsport and I've been to Scranton before!
(Just so you aren't the lonely PA guy)

Post your Skype username here as that is our primary means of communication.

Remember to stay active and post on the forum and skype often
John Galt
John Galt

Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-05-17


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